Parent Handbook

3 Kids U Parent Handbook

Welcome to Kids University

Welcome to Kids University: Fostering Bright Futures

Welcome, dear families, to Kids University! As you step into our world, this Parent Handbook serves as your guide to understanding our commitment to fostering your child’s growth in a nurturing, engaging, and supportive environment. Here, we reveal the essence of what makes Kids University an exceptional place for your child’s educational journey.

Our Mission: Shaping Holistic Development

“Our mission at Kids University is to provide premier educational services, enhancing traditional daycare with a blend of extracurricular pursuits tailored to nurture the innate curiosity and potential of every child.”

We strive to craft a safe, stimulating space where young minds can blossom into confident, respectful, and enthusiastic learners. Kids University is about laying a solid foundation for your child’s future, with our “all-in-one” educational program designed to propel every child towards excellence. Our comprehensive, activity-based curriculum adapts to the diverse interests and needs of children, creating a dynamic and inclusive learning experience.

Philosophy: The Backbone of Our Educational Vision

Our guiding philosophy at Kids University underpins our educational approach, emphasizing the unique individuality and potential within each child:

  • Teach, Show, Explore: Belief in the capabilities of each individual is at our core. We encourage children to explore ideas, articulate opinions, and nurture their curiosity.
  • Teach Them Well The Way: Acknowledging varied abilities and learning styles, we provide the tools for children to build their knowledge through engaging and relevant themes, projects, and hands-on experiences.
  • Show Them All The Beauty They Possess Inside, Give Them A Sense of Pride: In our caring and secure classrooms, children learn to appreciate their strengths and develop a confident, positive self-image.
  • Let The Children’s Laughter Remind Us: The joy and innocence of children inspire us daily, reminding us of the simplicity and beauty in learning and connecting as a community.

Our Commitment to Excellence

Kids University proudly complies with and surpasses the licensure standards required by the states of Florida and Georgia, reflecting our commitment to safety, quality education, and a supportive learning environment. We are transparent about our certifications and continuously strive for accreditations that showcase our dedication to maintaining the highest educational standards. This relentless pursuit of excellence is embodied in our educational programming, staff development, and community engagement initiatives.

To enhance our curriculum and bring our educational philosophy to life, we incorporate field trips, maintain an open-door policy for family engagement, and offer unique cultural activities and special guest visits. These enriching experiences underscore our commitment to providing a comprehensive, dynamic education that aligns with our mission and philosophy.

Educational Framework and Programs

At Kids University, we cherish the unique journey of every child through the realms of learning and discovery. As detailed in our updated Parent Handbook, this section aims to unravel the tapestry of our educational programs, curriculum insights, and the distinctive initiatives that set our approach apart.

Educational Programs: A Spectrum of Learning Opportunities

From the tender age of infancy through to the exploratory school-age years, Kids University offers a continuum of program offerings designed to meet and nurture the developmental milestones and educational needs across all stages.

  • Infancy Program: Tailored for our youngest learners, this program focuses on creating a secure and stimulating environment where infants can explore and engage, laying the foundational stones for lifelong learning.
  • Toddler Program: As toddlers take their first steps into a larger world, our program introduces structured activities that foster physical, cognitive, and social development.
  • Preschool Program: Preparing children for the academic journey ahead, our preschool curriculum is rich with activities aimed at developing literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking skills in a collaborative environment.
  • School-Age Program: For the inquisitive minds ready to explore beyond the classroom, we provide after-school programs that support homework completion, encourage curiosity through project-based learning, and promote physical activity.

Curriculum Overview: Cultivating Development

At the heart of our educational ethos is a curriculum meticulously crafted to support the holistic development of children, integrating key aspects such as innovation, responsiveness, collaboration, respect, and ethical practice. Anchored in the philosophy of Kids University, our curriculum is designed not only to impart knowledge but also to nurture the unique talents and aspirations of every child.

  • Innovation and Creativity: Through hands-on projects and exploration, children are encouraged to think outside the box and cultivate innovative solutions to problems.
  • Responsiveness to Individual Needs: Recognizing the diversity in learning styles and paces, our educators tailor learning experiences to meet the needs of each child, ensuring no one is left behind.
  • Collaboration and Respect: Our group activities and classroom dynamics emphasize the value of teamwork and respect for others, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding.
  • Ethical Practice: Instilling values and ethics from an early age, we encourage children to understand the importance of integrity, honesty, and responsibility in their actions.

Special Initiatives and Personalized Learning Experiences

Kids University is committed to enriching the educational journey of our students through special programs and extracurricular activities designed to uncover and hone their unique interests and abilities.

  • STEM Exploration: Our STEM initiative invites children to delve into science, technology, engineering, and math through engaging projects and experiments that spark curiosity and critical thinking.
  • Arts and Culture: Through art, music, and cultural studies, children are exposed to the diverse tapestry of human expression, encouraging appreciation and creative expression.
  • Environmental Awareness Programs: Cultivating stewardship for the planet, our programs include nature walks, recycling projects, and lessons on sustainability.
  • Personalized Learning Plans: Recognizing the individuality of each child, educators at Kids University collaborate with families to develop personalized learning plans that cater to the specific interests, strengths, and developmental needs of their child, ensuring a fulfilling and enriching educational experience.

Student-to-Teacher Ratios

Our classrooms maintain low student-to-teacher ratios to ensure individualized attention, fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth.

  • Infants under 18 months, not walking — 1:6.
  • One-year-old children who are walking — 1:8.
  • Two-year-old children: 1:10 ratio.
  • Three-year-old children: 1:15 ratio.
  • Four-year-old children: 1:18 ratio.
  • Five-year-old children: 1:20 ratio.
  • Six years and older: 1:25 ratio.

At Kids University, we believe in the power of education to transform lives. Through our comprehensive programs and curricula, we are dedicated to providing a nurturing, inspiring, and inclusive environment where every child is empowered to explore, learn, and grow into the leaders of tomorrow.

Daily Operations

Health, Safety, and Nutrition: Our Top Priorities

Ensuring the health, safety, and nutritional well-being of our students is our foremost concern at Kids University. Our comprehensive protocols and policies are designed to foster a safe, nurturing environment where children can thrive and grow.

  • Health and Safety Protocols: We implement regular health checks and maintain a meticulous sick child policy to promptly address any signs of illness. Our facilities are fully equipped for emergency medical care, with all staff trained in first aid and CPR. To safeguard our community, we conduct daily cleaning and regular safety drills, preparing both students and staff to act swiftly and effectively in case of an emergency.
  • Nutrition Policies: At Kids University, we recognize the critical role that nutrition plays in child development. We provide balanced, nutritious meals and snacks that comply with or exceed state nutritional guidelines. Accommodations for dietary restrictions and allergies are detailed during enrollment to ensure every child’s health and well-being.

Daily Operations and Routines: Structuring Success

Our structured daily routines are carefully designed to support the learning, exploration, and overall growth of our students.

Kids University operates Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

We are committed to accommodating the needs of our families while ensuring compliance with DCF guidelines and maintaining optimal staffing ratios. Specific attendance policies, including our approach to late arrivals and extended care hours, are designed to support the diverse schedules of our families while ensuring the well-being and safety of our students.

  • Arrival Procedures: Our doors open early, welcoming children with a streamlined check-in process that ensures a smooth and reassuring transition from home to school. Our welcoming staff are always present to greet each child and set a positive tone for the day.
  • Class Schedules: A balanced mix of structured educational activities, free play, and rest periods defines our day. Morning sessions are dedicated to focused learning, tailored to the developmental stages of our students, and complemented by outdoor play. Post-lunch, children engage in enrichment activities, including arts, music, and physical education, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.
  • Departure Procedures: The day ends with a structured dismissal process, ensuring a safe and orderly reunion of children with their families. Our staff oversees the pickup, ensuring a smooth and stress-free end to the school day.
  • Late Pick-up Policy: Recognizing the variability of schedules, we maintain clear policies for late pick-ups to ensure the safety and well-being of our children, minimizing any potential anxiety.
  • Transportation Services: For those utilizing our transportation services, safety is paramount. Our vehicles meet the highest maintenance standards, and our drivers are thoroughly vetted and trained, ensuring a safe and reliable service for our school-age children.

Uniform Policy Update for Fall 2024

Starting Fall 2024, Kids University will implement an updated uniform policy for students aged 3 years and up. This change reflects our commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and pride among our students while maintaining a focus on comfort and practicality for educational activities. Detailed information on the updated policy will be provided to all families well in advance of the implementation date.

Ensuring Every Day Counts

At Kids University, we understand that the care and education of your child are of the utmost importance. Each day is an opportunity for development, learning, and joy. Through our stringent health and safety measures, nutritional planning, and daily routines, we create an environment that not only supports but enhances the growth of every child entrusted to our care. Welcome to a typical day at Kids University, where learning and safety go hand in hand.

At Kids University, we cherish the unique journey of every child through the realms of learning and discovery. As detailed in our updated Parent Handbook, this section aims to unravel the tapestry of our educational programs, curriculum insights, and the distinctive initiatives that set our approach apart.

Family & Community Engagement

At Kids University, we believe that the education of a child flourishes with active family involvement and robust community partnerships. We see our families as invaluable partners in the educational journey, enriching our learning environment with their diverse backgrounds and experiences.

  • Parental Involvement: We encourage parents to engage in various school activities, from volunteering in the classroom to participating in event planning committees. Such involvement offers a unique window into your child’s learning environment, fostering deeper connections and mutual understanding.

Fostering a Vibrant Community Network

  • Community Engagement: Kids University prides itself on building strong relationships with local businesses, organizations, and individuals. By partnering on projects, events, and initiatives, we not only enrich our curriculum but also instill a sense of social responsibility and community spirit in our students.

Guiding Principles for Behavior and Discipline

We approach discipline and behavior management with respect, understanding, and a commitment to promoting positive behavioral outcomes for all students.

  • Discipline and Behavior Management: Our policy focuses on positive reinforcement, natural consequences, and, when necessary, redirection to manage behavior. We believe in addressing the root causes of behavior to foster understanding and growth, rather than mere punitive measures.
  • Open Door Policy: Transparency and open communication are cornerstone values at Kids University. Our open door policy encourages parents to share insights, concerns, and suggestions with our staff, strengthening the bond between home and school.
  • Nondiscrimination Stance: In line with our inclusive philosophy, we maintain a strict nondiscrimination policy, ensuring equal access to educational opportunities, resources, and support for all children, irrespective of their background.
  • Health and Safety Policies: Beyond the protocols outlined in the earlier section, we remain vigilant in creating a safe, healthy learning environment for our students. This includes ongoing risk assessments, adherence to hygiene best practices, and ensuring our staff are trained in health and safety procedures relevant to their roles.

Our Commitment to You

At Kids University, we view our relationship with families and the community not as a formality but as a fundamental component of our educational philosophy. By working together, we create a nurturing, stimulating environment where every child is encouraged to explore, learn, and grow. Our policies on discipline, behavior management, and community engagement are designed to reflect this collaborative spirit, ensuring Kids University remains a place where every student can thrive, supported by a network of care, respect, and mutual commitment.

Enrollment & Tuition

Admission Requirements and Process

Welcome to Kids University! Our admission process is designed to ensure a smooth transition for your child into our nurturing and stimulating educational environment. Following the Department of Children & Family guidelines, alongside our tailored policies, we aim to make this process as informative and welcoming as possible.

  • Eligibility and Application: Enrollment at Kids University is open to children from 6 weeks to 13 years old. To begin, submit a completed application form available on our website or at our campus. This initial step starts the journey toward enriching your child’s educational experience with us.
  • Essential Documentation: Along with your application, the following documents are essential for completing the enrollment process:
    • A completed physical examination record, certifying your child is in good health.
    • Your child’s birth certificate.
    • Up-to-date immunization records.
    • Any pertinent medical or learning records that will aid in tailoring our educational approach to your child’s needs.
    • Emergency contact information, ensuring we can always connect with you or designated guardians.
    • A signed parental agreement form, outlining our mutual commitments to your child’s education and well-being.
  • Registration Fee: An annual registration fee is required to process your application and secure your child’s place at Kids University. This fee covers administrative costs and is due at the time of registration, alongside the first week’s tuition.
  • Getting to Know You: To better understand your child’s unique needs and to introduce our educational ethos, we schedule a parent-child interview. This meeting allows us to align our approaches and ensure that Kids University is the right fit for your family.
  • Observation Day: We invite your child to spend a day with us, experiencing first-hand the learning environment, engaging with peers, and interacting with our educators. This day is pivotal in ensuring your child feels comfortable and excited about joining our community.
  • Admission Decision: Our admissions team carefully reviews each application, considering your child’s needs and our capacity to provide an enriching educational experience. Our goal is to foster a harmonious blend of educational objectives and well-being for every child at Kids University.

Tuition and Financial Information

Investing in your child’s education is a decision we deeply respect. Transparency and flexibility underpin our approach to tuition and financial policies, ensuring you have all the information needed to plan for your child’s future.

  • Tuition Breakdown: We offer a detailed tuition fee schedule for our various programs and age groups, reflecting the comprehensive nature of our educational offerings. Fees encompass all educational materials, classroom activities, and nutritious meals provided throughout the day. [Insert detailed tuition fees here].
  • Payment Schedules: To maintain a consistent educational environment for all children, tuition is due on the Friday before the upcoming week of service. We understand the complexities of family budgets, offering flexible payment options to accommodate your needs. Late payments incur a $35 fee, and we accept cash, money order, or credit card payments directly managed by our director or owner for security and convenience.
  • Financial Aid and Scholarships: Believing that every child deserves access to quality education, we guide families through exploring financial aid options. For those in Georgia, resources like the Center for Family Resources and Must Ministries can provide assistance, while in Florida, we are developing partnerships to expand available options. Please contact our administration for more detailed information on programs and how to apply.
  • Additional Fees: An annual facility improvement fee is implemented to continually enhance our educational environment, directly benefiting your child’s learning experience. This fee, due each year, supports upgrades and the addition of new resources across our program.
  • Cancellations and Refunds: Understanding that plans can change, we have established a clear policy regarding cancellations and refunds. This policy is designed to be fair and transparent, providing families with the flexibility to make informed decisions about their child’s education.

At Kids University, we’re committed to providing an accessible, high-quality educational journey. Our dedicated team is always here to discuss any aspect of enrollment and tuition, ensuring you have the support needed to make the best decisions for your child’s future.

Kids University

"Not your ordinary childcare academy"